Workers for sale

For Sale..

Rain beats on a worn roof,

                                             a single drop

drips from a crack

presses upon a workers skin

and thus becoming a hundred storms.


for years brewing beneath a shroud of political propagandas

that have done nothing more than veil pained truths 

of those in the middle,

their voices


in silences deafening rod


They say to us, “all is well and growing!”

But for who!?

They don’t live on our streets,

eat from our shelves

live under their own policies

nor work within the corporate structures that bow to cheap labor.

Wages dry know longer able to bear up under the weight of brick walls.

Multiple jobs

longer hours

cannot stop the for sale signs fixed in dirt


upon the necks of the working poor.

Living in homes yet homeless.

Misplaced by the ones elected, 

for they, the working poor have been sold.

Sold by self-proclaimed political gods thriving off those they vowed to help.

Sold by corporate America employers thriving off the backs of the employee,

their voices continue to echo within silences deafening rod,

“when working no longer works, then what?”

All that is heard?



Unaware wars….

With manipulation Americans have been lured into every war ever created,
unaware of the creators.

Every word spoken hides the drum beat of war both abroad and home.

Every war America has every had,
the war against drugs has born more addicts.
The war against corporate elites have born more wealth for the wealthier.
The war against hate is birthing more radical fringe groups.
The war against what is freedom of speech is birthing more censorship of speech.
The war against fake news is birthing more prisons for anyone who has a different view.
The war against high cost of living has born an affordable housing problem. Less can afford to make ends meet.
The war against hunger has birthed more hunger.
Every war America has or has had, seems to only birth more of the same. We seem to be upholding the very thing we are contesting.
Are these issues being used as a tool against us?
No matter how humane we may think these issues are, is it possible we are being used to war against each other to give birth to a more government controlled state(s)/nation?
The war against corrupt politicians has birthed a more corrupt system of which we are all poisoned.
Every war to promote a more humane way for a foreign land to govern a people, has created more inhumanity.
What are we truly warring about?
Why haven’t any of these wars birthed more peace? Humanity? Equality? Love? Wealth?
Why haven’t these wars birthed less wars? Racism? Censorship? Prisons of body and speech? Poverty?
Are we unaware to what we are truly warring against and for who we war.
Maybe these wars were never meant to be won but only through us create more of what we war against.


I’ve gotten a few messages about the second poetry book, when the release date is. I’ve developed a following in the Philippines and India, my work has done well there and I’m grateful for that.
I spent months working on new poetry(prior to covid), worked closely with people ready to put the book together. The poetry has been completed waiting for the next step.
I regret to tell people my book will not be published. The company is now saying my writing doesn’t meet the new standards/requirements, one being, my work is to gender specific.
In my refusal to change so much of my writing the company will not publish the book of poetry.
Quite echos(as of now)will be my first and last published book.
I’m grateful for everyone’s support, for those who have inquired. I appreciate everyone!
For now any writings I do, spillwords will continue to publish.

Cultivating Poverty

Neon gods lead
poverty of spirit,
the flesh hungers for temporary fulfillment
filling the stomach with pleasures made from stone.
Rhetoricians of gold guide
the dead of spirit,
they rise to dead life
gasping from artificial breath
words of clay pour forth
spewing Amen from dead bowels,
the withered hand has fallen
unjust knees bow
consumed by liars honest in their dealings.

*new writing published a few hours ago.


Those who commit crimes will serve the criminal and demonize those who bring attention to criminal behaviors and demand justice.

Those who are the established will serve the establishment and demonize anyone who speaks against globalized strong holds.

Those who are hungry for power will serve the powerful and demonize the powerless.

Those who commit inappropriate acts against children will serve those who traffic them and demonize those who expose.

Those who are double tongued will serve the liar and demonize truth.

Those who are corrupt serve corruption and demonize the ones who stand against it.